
Casing string damage

12 July 2009 Hi,
Does anybody have any images of casing damage caused by installing manual casing slips. In effect inducing a degree of point loading on the casing body with high string weight. Usually when it's been thought that "it would be a good idea" to get rid of the hydraulic or air operated casing slips before picking up the casing hanger. I've heard of cases of the joint in the rotary being crimped and in worst case scenarios the manual slip hinge pins breaking and parts dropping down hole. I need this to graphically illustrate to inexperienced crews that it not "a good idea" to use hand slips with high string weights.

In the absence of any images, then other pieces of "evidence" will be most welcomed, including any reports of tubular damage/failure caused by this.


Ron Mackay
rp² Well Performance Co-ordinator
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