E-Line Severance of Tubing, Dual ESP Cable and CI Line
24 April 2022Hello
We have a potential requirement to perform a deep wireline severance of a 4 ½” TSB (T95) tubing string plus 2 x armored ESP system cables and a CI line to facilitate slot recovery.
I want to know if anyone has performed a similar severance and if so what type of cutter/tool was used (Mechanical / Combination) as I am concerned that if we do not have a clean cut over all components that when we POOH the the ESP cable or CI line may part, leading to a complex fishing operation. If you have done something similar what method did you use to verify the cutting OD please.
Note – We have an issue with the ESP meaning we do not have full communication and as such may not be able to confirm the cables are cut from surface readout.
Thanks in advance
5 Answer(s)
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Neil Deeney
Drilling and Completion Superintendent
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Discussions: 4
Replies: 7
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