
RAM Block Corrosion

14 August 2009 We recently had our Ram-Blocks (Shaffer) condemned by NOV. Severe pitting was present on the "face" of the Ram-Blocks on either side of the Packer-Element, see attached photos.

There is no sign of corrosion on the inside of the stack. Some minor corrosion on the Ram-Blocks, more likely associated with age, nothing as severe as the exposed face areas.

The Ram-Blocks are dressed with VBRs. The attached photos show both the old packer element as well as a new one; notice the missing rubber on the used one.

We are drilling with oil-based-mud. With the occasional pickle and acid job during a completion.

Has anybody had a similar problem? If so what was considered the corrosion mechanism and what was done to prevent it from happening again?
Documents uploaded by user:

Ram Corrosion.pdf

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