Annular Pressure (9 5/8" x 7")

Hallo gentlemen,
I've a little concern about annular pressure between 9⅝" and 7" annulus... we drilled the 8½ section through dead formation and we ran the 7" casing till surface... a gauge was placed in the annular but non pressure was recorded for days... when we dispaced 1.45SG MW to 1.30SG in order to continue drilling the 6" section through rock source with high gas amount we observe that during drilling the annular pressure (9⅝" x 7") increase and reached 1000psi (wee beeld off and no gas was recorded only mud) but the problem is when we stop drilling and we POOH ...the pressure decrease and drop to 0psi there any one how had the same experience there any relationship with the dynamic pressure
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