RMR system for the wells in >600m water depth
26 November 2010 Dear Members,Another new technology question. I know that at the begging of 2010 Statoil used AGR RMR system first time to drill top hole section in the water depth of ~600m meters. If anyone of you have been involved in planning or operations stage of this RMR run, I would much appreciate if you can share feedback on the new system and challenges that were considered during planning and faced during operations.
Based on technical specs new RMR system should be good for 1525m of water depth.
We will be drilling deep 26" hole and toward the total depth of the section will have to switch from sea water and sweeps to mud system in order to provide good wellbore stability. On all the offset exploratory/appraisal wells, pump and dump operations were done.
But during the development drilling campaign we are planning to batch set all the wells to surface casing shoe depth first and then start sections with riser and BOP. Due to the batch drilling ,logistics will be a major issue if pump and dump operations are conducted.
Drilling will be conducted in water depth >600m.
As always with best regards
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Aydin Aghazada
Chief Drilling Engineer
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