
Ported vs. non-ported floats .. and dart subs

08 April 2011 Hi folks,

There is an ongoing discussion amongst experienced personnel about the pros and cons of dart subs and ported vs. non-ported floats.

This Oil Co has a policy of using a ported float and a dart sub, in particular if drilling potential hydrocarbon bearing zones.

Years ago, the team that I was working in dispensed with dart subs; we concluded that they only added value if we would ever need to strip OUT of the hole, as it would serve as a Non-return valve.

However, I seem to remember that we used solid floats.

So, the usual gauntlet to you all :
1. What is your company policy ?
2. Have you ever run a ported float without a dart sub in potentially hydrocarbon-bearing zones ?
3. What else would you like to add into this potential debate.

Kind regards

Dave Taylor
18 Answer(s)

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