
Stuck Casing on Floater

08 October 2011 With casing stuck off bottom and left protruding above the rotary table, what to do?
Using a false rotary table, heave will be a concern.
Ballasting rig, using a cutting torch, deballast rig. Heave will still be a concern. Main risk is potential collision between casing stump and diverter housing or rigfloor substructure which could bend the casing stump. Same applies to blind backoffs if the joint below the rotary releases.
Best option seems to be sourcing a wireline deployed and electrically or chemically activated severing tool. Schlumberger contacted and searching for a tool for 10" casing.
What is your contingency plan? What is the industry contingency plan in general?

regards from sunny Stavanger,
Ivan Sogard
Maersk Oil
12 Answer(s)

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