Moving Semi Sub at Deep Draft
12 September 2007 We are working on a Project where the client is looking at towing asemi-sub (3rd generation) at deep draft. This will be a relatively
short tow distance. It will not be possible to visually check that
the anchors have been racked properly and consideration is being
given to leaving the anchors/chains free-hanging ..
A full Risk Assessment is planned and procedures will be developed
to ensure this is done safely, without risk to personnel, the vessel
(hull) and any subsea infrastructure.
Can anyone help with :
> Copies of any such risk assessments you have performed
> Copies of any procedures you have developed
> Contact details of anyone who could provide the above
> Any lessons learnt / best practices that you have evolved
Many thanks .. in anticipation of a healthy response from our members
Dave Taylor
5 Answer(s)
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Posted by

Dave Taylor
Managing Director -Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd.
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
Discussions: 12
Replies: 13
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