Gas well head moving
22 January 2014 We have gas well producing 120MM cu-ft/day through 7" monobore gas completion the Xmas tree is CIW the ID is 7" below the Xmas tree 9â…" tubing head spool, then 13â…œ" csg housing, 20" csg housing and then 30" conductor landing ring.The problem is well head is moving 38mm while 120MM cu-ft/day, but the movement stopped when well is shut down. The 38mm movement is steady constant with production the 120MM cu-ft/day. With 40MM cu-ft/day no movement.
The the Xmas tree is 7" and well head flowing pressure is 5000 psi. In case you have ideas to solve the problem. For your information. The 30, 20, 13â…œ and 9â…" had been cemented to surface. All well head plus 20" csg are moving up while production. We are thinking about gas velocity and Xmas tree wing valves.
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Ahmed salem
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