iPBore "wellbore stability application"
29 July 2014OU 'Norman University have released a free, wellbore geo-mechanical stability analysis application 'available at the apple store etc' that on initial review looks really very useful indeed.
Essentially this should enable a drilling engineer to do a quick wellbore stability, geo-mechanical analysis of their wells, critical zones, by themselves at no cost.
The app will soon be accompanied by a manual 'which is needed for us drillers, to avoid 'GI=GO' principle shortfalls. 'i.e. garbage in = garbage out'
For those who download this app, and have a far greater background, understanding of models that can be selected, input ranges, rules of thumb, ball park figures, etc in different operating environments.
Then this discussion post is raised to add useful comments, rules of thumb or attachments regarding this ever growing analysis process needed in complex wells.
I shall be seeking via geo-mechanic contacts some advise on data input 'best practise' myself, and if others have comments to share then please 'SPREAD' the word here.
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