
Temporary suspension options (Cased hole retrievab

14 July 2008 What's the groups experiences with mechanical bridge plugs used for
temporary suspension ( ~2 years).

The well is in the Central North Sea, normally pressured, suspended
in 9 5/8 casing with kill weight fluid and a 500ft cement plug (set
on a drillable retainer) below.

The cement plug is there in case the suspension period extends
beyond the 2 yrs expected....

The retrievable plug will act as the 2nd temporary reservoir barrier
as per UKOOA guidelines.

The first option always mentioned is the Baker GT plug, but
obviously this is the costly one....

Has anyone used a Weatherford DLT with storm valve or a Halliburton
RTTS for longer term suspension?

What about the Halliburton Isolator or model 3L bridge plugs?

Any other retrievable options to consider (with decent case


Ally Craven
5 Answer(s)

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