
Tricky Well Abandonment (strings severed near surface)

22 April 2015

Hi folks,
I am seeking solution from this forum on a well integrity issues we are currently faced with in Nigeria.

An oil well with dual string completion is planned for permanent abandonment because the wellhead and all the casing string were severed at 3ft below the cellar, leaving just the ball type scssv as the only barrier preventing fluid to the surface.

However, the well securing team are already working to secure the wells at least with two independent and tested barrier. As an Abandonment Supervisor it's clear to me that we will be faced with cementation issues. The 2-3/8'' tubing is severed at 54ft by the well securing team, so how do we make up the cementing BHA to the top of the severed tubing to enable us to  carry out remedial cement squeeze @ the produced zone(6500ft).

Any solutions and suggestions will be most welcome.

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