
Internal Multi String casing cutter

14 January 2017 Hello Everyone,

We have some plug and abandonment subsea wells which will execute some time in 2017.

One of the operation is to cut the 13-3/8", 20 and 30" casing in one go then run 13-3/8" casing spear to retrieve 13-3/8" WH housing, 20" and 30" Casing hanger at the same time. The 13-3/8" WH Housing, 20" and 30" Casing hanger were interlock together with one mechanical locking system which is unable to unlock by ROV assistance.

We plan to cut 13-3/8", 20" and 30" casings at the same time using internal mechanical multi string casing cutter. 

I appreciate any advices and comment which I should consider to make the multi string cutting operation run successfully. 


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