Skidding land-rigs on steel plates (to save R/D and R/U)
06 April 2017Dear members,
One of the things that came up at both of the latest DWOPs here in Jakarta was rig-skidding. The rigs involved are both doubles, truck/carrier-mounted (and non heli-portable). They are drilling from multi-cellar pads and yet they have to R/D and R/U the rig to move 10m!! This takes a minimum of 3 days.
I seem to remember that that in Papua New Guinea one of the operators and Drilling Contractors had a cunning approach to this. The rigs were laid on a steel plate and would be dragged across as required.
If any of you are familiar with this technique and/or have a better approach, please could you share as much as possible.
Things like:
1. Do you skid with the mast up?
2. What additional precautions do you take?
3. Have you skidded with pipe in the mast?
4. Do you also skid the mud tanks and solids control package and, if not, what cunning plans do you have for flowlines and bell nipple height
5. What lessons have you learnt?
6. Do you have photos and/or procedures that you can share with us?
Many thanks
7 Answer(s)
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Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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