
Use of HW in drilling laterals

09 August 2017

Wanted to get your views on the use of HWs while drilling 8-3/4" lateral. We have a 2°, 12-1/4" tangent section.  9-5/8" at ~12,000.  Maintain 2° till KOP @ 14,000'.  Curve @  12-14° / 100' to landing point.   Laterals are about 10,000' (14,600' TVD).   1.5° motor used to drill lateral.  Current BHA consist of motor, NBS, MWD, 5" DP for spacing, 5" HW, 5" DP to surf.  Current BHA has 1200' of 5"  HWs spaced to be at KOP when at TD.  Want to explore laying out the HWs.  

Ran some multi-station T&D analysis with as drilled svys till 21,000 (& plan thereafter) and attached the results.  It almost looks like past the first 4000' of lateral, the HW does not really help. It does however, seem to push the point where the DP buckles further up the string compared to running without HWs.  Eager to hear ya'll thoughts and experience on this subject.  Thanks 

Documents uploaded by user:

Buckling Weights with and without HW.pdf

6 Answer(s)

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