
Interaction with (surface) Soft-Torque with (downhole) Vibration Suppression Tools

21 January 2018 Dear colleagues

We would value your input on the following scenario, please.

As a result of experiencing severe downhole vibrations,  a (downhole) vibration-suppression tool was run, with good results.  Since then, a (surface) Soft Torque system has been installed on the rig.

With the next well, the team face a dilemna. This is because there are (unconfirmed) suggestions that the surface and downhole systems will intefere with each other and - at worst - counteract each other!

So we'd really value you actual field experience on this; no opinions, please, just facts.

Things like:
  • Did you run both at the same time?
  • If so what systems? (Franks HIT, Tomax, Neo-Torque)
  • What results did you see?
  • What recommendations might you have
Separately, it would be useful to have feedback on those three (3) tools and any others on the market.



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