
Hole opening in shallow deviated well

30 August 2019 We are planning a shallow horizontal offshore well.

Well configuration is 30" @ 100 mMDRT (50m below seabed).

 A 22" open hole interval is planned from 30" shoe to ~360 mMDRT.

The tentative well trajectory is kick-off at 150 m, build rate of 3-4 deg/30m to achieve 21-28 deg inclination at section TD of 360 mMDRT (350-355 mTVDRT).

Given the very soft formations and associated difficulty in building inclination, it is planned to drill a 17.5" directional hole and then open up to 22" in a separate dedicated hole opening run.

Is there any experience of hole opening similar shallow deviated wells? And any lessons that would help in designing the well? What sort of penetration rates can one expect in this scenario?
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