
BHA Connection Torque Practice

08 June 2021

We recently drilled a Well where we had over-torqued connections on the trip out on the surface hole. Those B/O of connections took time. Although we drilled in half the time now this new loss time of over-torque connections is an issue.

For next Well, I am looking to suggest that we M.U our BHA to Min M/U torque as the drilling progresses the connections will get more torqued up and may not be “over-torqued”


As far as I can see there should not be any issues with torquing up to Min M/U Torque. There is near to no stick and slip with Tricone bit in the surface section that can unwind my connection. I might miss something here. Are there other risks in using this process.

The surface section is 12-¼'' with 6-½'' and 8'' DCs.

4 Answer(s)

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Posted by

Usama Sabir

Usama Sabir

Senior Consultant


Discussions: 6

Replies: 25

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