Characterizing Casing ID from Within Tubing
19 December 2022Hello
We have a suspected casing deformation in a 9 5/8’’ production string and I want to know if there is any logging technology that we can run inside the internal 4 ½’’ tubing to evaluate the condition of the outer 9 5/8’’ string to see if it is ovalized or deformed.
Characterization of the casing ID will be sufficient, we don’t necessarily need to investigate the cement outside. Water based fluids in annuli.
I remember hearing discussion about potential technologies for this in the past and wondered if anyone had any recent information as it’s been quite some time since I looked at this kind of thing.
Thanks in advance
9 Answer(s)
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Posted by

Neil Deeney
Drilling and Completion Superintendent
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Discussions: 4
Replies: 7
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