
Soil shear strength, fracture gradient in shallow deepwater sediments?

07 March 2010 What rules of thumb (e.g. penetration tests, pilot hole drilling) can be used to ascertain soil shear strengths and/or fracture gradients when no data is available from the shallower sediments for the first 3,000-4,000ft drilled.

Notable in the three most dominant sediments that exist. e.g.

What difference does water depth make in such determinations e.g.
1,000ft WD
5,000ft WD
10,000ft WD

From a geo-technical aspect how would the porosity and permeability of these sediments change or vary with water depths and a 3-4K drilled depth interval below the seabed.

How, what methods can be used/applied to determine 'rules of thumb' values for these determinants?

Discussion, comments, knowledge, experiences appreciated.


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