Ideas to improve efficiency - Bit protector for M/U bit to BHA in the yard
12 November 2010 Hi folks,At a lot of the DWOPs we facilitate the team would like to M/U the bit to the BHA in the yard before shipping to the rig. Many teams have been doing this, tho' there's always a niggling concern about damaging the bit.
The guys at Maersk Oil UK have passed me details of an "engineered" bit protector, provided by Titan Torque.
I hope it gives u all a flavour of what's "out there" .. and would welcome any other enabling-solutions, especially ones that make it easier for the "man on the rig".
Kind regards
Dave Taylor
Owner and moderator of this free 'site .. and ..
MD of Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd.. who provide al sorts of performance services including performance coaches, risk assessments, DWOPs, motivation training, benchmarking studies
Documents uploaded by user:
Titan Torque Bit Protector_SPREAD.pdf
9 Answer(s)
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