
BHI Vertitrack Performance

16 November 2006 Good Morning Everyone,

We are going to try to use VertiTrak assembly in one of our vertical
well in the 12 1/4" hole section, mainly starting from the Chalk
formation. We were told by the supplier that VertiTrak requires a
with good stability to have good BHA response. If the bit is
and its toolface is turned while the Vertitrak is calculating and
correcting its direction in order to keep drilling vertical, the
outcome might be building/dropping angle in the wrong direction. It
seems that VertiTrak could be more sensitive to bit stability than
other assembly such as Autotrak Xtreme, etc. Therefore, I wonder if
you could share your knowledge/experience with me:

1.Has anybody had any experience of drilling with VertiTrak (Baker
Hughes Inteq product)?
2.Has anybody used the ReedHycalog PDC bit DSX616M-A22 and how is
the stability of this bit?

Thank you,
7 Answer(s)

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