
Use of drilling jars when running Pipe-Conveyed Logs

29 August 2013 Hi folks

We're discussing the running of pipe-conveyed logs in the 8"" hole section. 

The drillstring got stuck and was freed by pumping a pipe-freeing agent, which points to differential-sticking; however, the shale section has been open for 2 months now, water-based mud is in use (environmental constraints)and so borehole instability is also a cause for concern.

It's been decided to acquire log data before doing anything else.

Due to concerns about hole condition, consideration is being given to running the logs pipe-conveyed as opposed to e-line conveyed.  The toolstring will be the nuclear sondes and the pressure/sampler tool.

Given that differential-sticking is a risk, I was wondering if it would be prudent to run jars in the drillstring that will be used to convey the logs ..

So, whadya all think and what other precautions might you take if you were to run pipe-conveyed logs first.



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