
Use of ROD (Ream on Demand) to drill-out 20" casing shoetrack

25 September 2014 Hi folks

At the Deepwater DWOP this week, we discussed the fact that we are going to be drilling a 12¼" pilot-hole below the 20" shoe in the upcoming Exploration wells.

The current plan is to make a dedicated run to drill out the cement before tripping to run the 12¼" BHA.

It was suggested that we incorporate an On-Demand Reamer (that can be opened and closed as often as required), open it to drill out the cement and then close it for the pilot-hole.

However, this particular reamer will only open to 15". So the idea was rejected for fear of "cement blocks".

What experience do members have of this situation? Have you tried it and, if so, what did you learn? What other suggestions do you have?

Many thanks

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