
Dual activity rigs: preparing e-line in the aux (offline)

13 November 2014 Hi folks

We have been facilitating a series of DWOPs for dual activity rigs. One of the topics being raised is "to what extent can we prepare logging tools offline?".

On a dual activity rig, there's both a main and an auxiliary (aux) drillfloor, often with enough people to operate both.

We hear it's not uncommon (e.g in Thailand) to M/U logging tools offline, even on conventional rigs, in the mouse-hole and rack back; in a "sock" to prevent bending.

In discussions about using the aux, a concern was the position of the logging sheaves. This pre-supposed that the cable head needs to be attached.

We'd value the experience of members:

1. Are you M/U and rack-back logging tools off-line
  • How are you doing it? 
  • Can you share the detailed procedures with us? (or to
  • What lessons have you learnt ?
  • Are you racking back with cable head connected or not
  • Are you using a "sock" - if so what's it made of
2.  Are you thinking about it?
  • What's stopping you?

I read somewhere .. "those of us who say it's not possible should get out of the way of those who are already doing it".


3 Answer(s)

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