Details of Discussion Initiator .. NOMINATE a PAL
24 September 2008 Hi folksA few new enhancements to the system.
1. At request of one of the consultancies, the system now adds the
company affiliation of the person initiating a discussion. This is
in addition to their profile, which not everyone has filled in.
You can edit your profile under > My Spread > My settings
2. There is a NOMINATE a friend feature.. on the home page
Please can u use the latter. Membership now stands at 660 in 142
companies. The more, quality people we have in the site the more
likely it is there will be frequent and quality discussion.
If each of you nominate ONE friend or colleague then we will achieve
the numbers we are looking for.
If u have any other ideas to improve the site etc., please email
them directly to
Dave Taylor
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Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
Managing Director (
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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