BOP Test Sub ("Double Dutch Sub")
13 April 2015 Hi folks(I hope this is not a fairy-tale)
Once up a time, there were tales of a so-called "Double Dutch Test Sub", that is installed at surface for BOP testing. It has two side-entries, either side of a blanked off through-bore, so pressure is directed above and directed below the blanked section.
This allows simultaneous testing of the Top-Drive etc., and the BOP. This provides time (and cost) savings.
If you've come across this and used it, please may you share your experiences with the forum.
The sorts of questions in my mind are:
- Where did you get it from?
- Who owned it? .. or did you rent it?
- Who was responsible for it's maintenance?
- Did you share it across rigs or keep as rig inventory?
- If you shared it across rigs, who managed it's "where-abouts"?
- What was the nominal pressure rating?
- Do you have documented theoretical or actual cost:benefit that you can share?
- Do you have a test procedure that incorporates it, that you can share?
- What lessons learnt, if any?
Answers to the above and other input would help us live happily ever after.
Many thanks and kind regards
17 Answer(s)
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