PS30 Slip Carrier Lost in Hole
17 July 2015 Folks;Just wanted to share with the wider group our current predicament in the hope that maybe you can avoid the same fate, and also to see if anybody else has encountered a similar problem and might be able to help with fishing suggestions.
We were tripping in hole on 5 7/8" DP, and were in the process of swapping to 6 5/8" inserts on the PS30's when one of the slip carriers became detached from the changing tool and fell into the wellbore. It travelled all the way down to the wellhead and wedged itself in such that we were unable to tripp a TJ past it. We cut the tube, dropped the BHA, and recovered the DP from the riser. We are now fishing, and have made a couple of magnet runs with limited success, and we are now into the "fabricated" fishing tools phase to see if we can recover this without lifting the stack.
Attached is photo of a 1/6 scale wellhead along with a 3D printed slip carrier illustrating what we are trying to recover.
My request would be firstly, don't let this happen to you by reviewing with the drilling contractor how they change PS30 slip carriers, and secondly if it has happened to you, or if you have any suggestions oon how to get this out of the well I would be most grateful.
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Myles Barrett
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