Subsea Drilling Chokes
07 March 2016 In the past few years, with the advent of deep and ultra deep water drilling acreages being explored, we have heard a lot about friction losses in extended lengths of nominal 3in. diameter choke and kill lines, connecting BOP outlets with the high pressure section of the choke and kill manifold on the drilling installation topsides.A number of years ago I worked for a small Norwegian company, developing what is today known as the EC Drill System or 'Enhanced Drilling'. At that time we were investigating the operability, and technical feasibility of using drilling chokes in the subsea environment. Further, a number of Norwegian dominant companies were investigating the same topic. There are a number of design challenges: the dissolution of energy downstream of the choke and the actuator control in the subsea environment, to name but only two: there are many!
Has anyone got first hand knowledge in positive inroads into this technology and the practical usage of this equipment?
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Paul Potter
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