
Hazard and risk management Training in complex well's.

23 June 2016 Hazards, recognition, analysis, then prioritisation of these problems identified and finally  risk association ( determination, evaluation, qualification, quantification) and mitigating actions is the chronological sequence presented in such training. 

  • Question posted is: What percentage of your well's organisation has had hazard/ risk management training?
Because this is what management talks about and wants us to address much of the time. 

Note:  On recent studies I have been conducting, the evident facts appear to be that less than 3% of drilling engineers / supervisors have actually had any formal hazard and risk management training.

And we wonder why things go wrong? 

Additional notes from moderator:
  • Is this kind of training mandatory in your organisation, as part of competence assurance?
  • If not, why not?!
  • What effect does it have on your company's insurance premiums?
  • Do you have internal groups that train (peer-to-peer) or is this training acquired externally?
  • What recomendations do you have to ensure that personnel in any organisation are properly equipped to identify, mitigate and communicate risks and hazards?

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