
Predictive Software to optimise BOP testing times

10 December 2016
Hi folks,

** I'm repeating this question (to which we had quality responses) because it is over came up again at a VSOP (Velocity String on Paper; rig-assisted HWO) that we facilitated here in the Netherlands **

August 2018: Additional questions:

1.    Are there any updates on this, the cost:benefit aspects, Risk Assessments that may have been needed and alternatives?

2.    Is this approved by NOGEPA (Netherlands)?

January 2018: Furthermore, it would appear that some regulators (e.g. US) have approved it's use and others e.g. (in Europe) remain to be convinced.

December 2016:  At this week's 2-day iWOP (i=Improvement, an rp-squared unique take on DWOPs) it was discussed that there is software out there that can be used to optimise BOP testing.

The software analyses the trend (compared to fingerprints in it's database?) and is helpful in determining that the test will be good, ahead of what a human might determine.

We are aware that this is being used on offshore rigs, but we want especially want to know what people are using on onshore rigs (where an hour of rig time is significantly less, and so justifying expenditure can be more difficult).

Questions are:
  1. What system are you using?
  2. What options did you consider before selecting the system that you use?
  3. How does it work?
  4. Any lessons learnt and recommendations (e.g. Best Practice)?
  5. Without publically stating the cost (we do not allow commercial numbers to be published), can you advise the actual cost:benefit, please
  6. For those of you using it, what did you have to do to persuade the regulator / Well-Examiner of its veracity?
Many thanks


16 Answer(s)

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