
What's the big deal about RDF?

28 June 2017 Hi folks

At the workshops that I'm facilitating, I hear more-and-more these days about RDF (Reservoir Drilling Fluid).  I am (kind of) familiar with DIF (Drill-in Fluids) which we were using years ago, but RDF is a fairly new one on me.

My questions are:
  1. What's the difference between DIF and RDF (if any)?
  2. What circumstances would make it worthwhile to use RDF?
  3. What circumstances tend to make it not worthwhile to use RDF?
  4. What tests and financial-modelling can be applied to determine the cost vs. benefit of these fluids?
  5. Are there any compelling case histories that show the benefits (or otherwise)?
  6. If RDF are 'so good' then why isn't everyone using them?
Many thanks


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