
Placing TRSCSSSV at 4,000mTVD

01 December 2017 Has anyone got experience of setting a TRSCSSSV at 4,000mTVD. How long does it take to open / close? The reason for doing this is to allow us to run a 4-1/2" completion inside 7" casing where there is insufficient clearance to run a 4-1/2" TRSCSSSV, 10kpsi rated. The plan is to swage down from 4-1/2" to 3-1/2" just above the packer, thus allowing us to run a 3-1/2" TRSCSSSV at 4,000mTVD. Interested to hear if anyone has done this for this reason. A side benefit is that it mitigates hydrate risk.
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