
Mud pump back systems for returned fluid, land rigs for pad drilling

01 February 2018

Looking at a back yard extension for land / pad drilling. This will push the angle of our return line from the bell nipple to the shakers out to a greater distance/require rig mods. A 70m flowline distance with an angle of 3deg is one solution but I am concerned about flow line blockage and mitigation's. I presume this is a common problem in the US land pad drilling world as well as other areas where large pads are used and long rig skids are required. 

I have used mud return pump back solutions in an offshore context but never on a land rig, are there commonly implemented solutions with trash pumps ? 

Are the lines used commonly closed lines or an open chute / access for cleaning troubleshooting / aeration / velocity, booster or gun lines along the length of the flow line ? 
A scalping /gumbo shaker prior to pump back to remove bulk solids / debris ?  
Types rating of pumps ? 

Feedback case history / solutions appreciated.  


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