POOH completion with Swell Packers
30 May 2018 Dear all,We are going to do work-over the well with Lower completion of Liner Hanger retrieved by pulling tool and 04 sets of 10ft length swell element wrapping in 4-1/2", 12.6#, L80 tubing base pipe setting in 9-5/8" casing.
The Swell Provider calculated that it will required about 15kip overpull per each swell * 4 = 60kip to retrieve the swell packer draft. With such requirement, tubing / SSD strength should be very enough to POOH the swelled packers.
Do you have any experience of retrieving such swell packers and recommend if we can confidently straight pull the full assy or cut a part for safety?
Thank you very much for your help / sharing
10 Answer(s)
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Posted by

Trung Chu
Chief Petroleum Engineer
Japan Vietnam Petroleum Company
Discussions: 6
Replies: 12
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