
Vortex RPM Limits

30 May 2018
I’m involved in a project that is using a Vortex Orbit assembly to drill a 16” hole section with a 70° inc. tangent, however the tool provider has implemented a surface RPM limited to 100, which is a concern from a hole cleaning perspective.
The 962 PowerPak ERT (6:7 Lobe, 3.5 Stage) motor will be spinning the Orbit tool at a maximum of 125 RPM and the Orbit has a spec sheet limit of 350 RPM, by my calculations that would allow 225 of surface RPM.
The assumption is the motor is a proper Vortex motor i.e. it is fitted with a straight housing and not a surface adjustable bent housing.
Can anyone provide an explanation for the low surface RPM limit?
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