Diesel vs. Base Oil for OBM?
04 January 2020 Lectori Salutem,I would like to consult with the community to explore the advantages and/or disadvantages of using diesel vs. base oil for oil based mud (OBM) systems - I have to admit that I have very little to no experience using diesel based OBM systems and I am not a chemist or mud engineer neither. The obvious differences between using diesel and base oil are cost and possible contaminants in the diesel (assuming the base oil is free of contaminants). The first questions that spring to mind are:
- Any HSE concerns? Are these different for using diesel vs. base oil?
- What can be done to remove any possible contaminants and is this really necessary?
- Has anyone experienced positive or negative results using diesel with the drilling fluid company's chemicals / additives?
- Would there be any impact on cementing operations (i.e. bond of the cement) when using diesel vs base oil based systems?
- Anything else to consider?
Harald Benning
5 Answer(s)
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Harald Benning
Senior Wells Advisor
Discussions: 11
Replies: 51
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