
Preparing casing and tubing onshore

15 May 2009 Hi folks

At this week's DWOP, the topic of preparing casing and tubing prior to sending to the wellsite cropped up again.

We know that this is very much industry best practice for offshore operations .. apart from the obvious operational benefits, there are also safety and environmental benefits to doing this onshore in stable and dry conditions.

If you have any procedures and checklist that we can post then it would be excellent.

Also, please can you share your experiences in this regards. We know there will always be a wide range of opinions but we are seeking lessons learnt and best practices from those who are already doing this.

Things like :
1. Applying running compound in the pipe yard .. and how long can it be left on the threads for ?
2. Placement and type of centralsier and stop collars ?
3. Avoiding damage to casing accessories when being transported, lifted
4. Any increased hazards to personnel
5. Quality control

Thanks in advance

Dave Taylor
Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd
12 Answer(s)

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