Suction Dampener of mud pumps
09 July 2020 Hello dear members,I hope you are in the best of health.
I would like to know your thoughts on the suction dampener of mud pumps. The suction dampener in the mud pumps that I deal with is pressurised up to 25psi (based on manufacturer’s recommendation). It is quite a low pressure and most of the time it is either taken out of the pump or not even pressurized. Since it is in the suction side of the pump, that should mean it will serve a dampening role to the feed pump (centrifugal pumps) .
I would like to know what is the main reason of placing dampener in the suction side of the pump? and does it really matter? If so, why I do not see any difference in pump behaviour when the dampener is not charged?
This might sound a silly question for you members, and I don't want to annoy you, but I have asked many people and done quite a lot of research, and yet I didn't get a reasonable answer.
That led me to drop this question here because I know here is the perfect place to ask.
Warm regards.
Note from moderator (Dave):
Please bear with Montader. I've had recent feedback that some of the questions on SPREAD can be a bit 'basic', but here we have an aspiring future mentor asking our help. The answers won't just help him.
10 Answer(s)
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Montader Alsuhail
Rig_site Engineer
Discussions: 2
Replies: 10
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