Accident / Incident Investigation 'Latent cause analysis' an evolved, root cause analysis method for all No software required.
08 December 2020 When your next problem results please.1. Stop.
2. Go back several steps.
3. Take the time to gather all all the 3 P's of evidence required as illustrated in LCA method and template as attached i.e.
1. 'What is the latent cause analysis' investigative method as per file presentation as attached. That offers a simple, proven and effective industrial method to investigate all life and work incidents/accidents no matter how small/large. The method remains exactly the same expect that in Major events a more formal approach and a few more people are required.
2. Three LCA incident examples are available via Spread, (in a further file I have forwarded on that is too big to upload) The three examples illustrated in this file present how easy an LCA is to conduct by any person or group, for any incident/ accident situation or event. No matter how big or small
3. LCA mini-midi event Template is also attached for anyone to conduct your own day to day LCA investigation as problems result.
In summary, to answer all our problems, and to assure we find the best solutions and corrections, everything lies within the evidence as gathered, particularly the people (latent) evident elements, that if not attended too, shall always evaporate the fastest.
It would be gratifying, for future problems posted that we try our best to gather all the 3P's of evidence. So that this SPREAD community can better review, analyse and assist to offer far better diagnosis, outcomes and benefits to problems as experienced.
Documents uploaded by user:
1-What is Latent Cause Analysis.pdf
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Peter Aird
Drilling Specialist/Well Engineer/Training Consultant
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