Drilling equipment tender evalluation
09 March 2021 Dear forum members,I'm looking to information about the better way how to select a better drilling contract or(daily rate). Based on our initial protocols there are two ways for selecting:
- cheaper price;
- method with include minimum 40% of economical index and 60% other scope of indexes.
We are using an index method which include follows:
- Economical index - 40%
- Technical index (Rig spec, rig age, term of mobilization, personal index, technology base location, company experience and 3 last projects NPT index) - 52 %
- Legal index (a consent with our typical contract) - 5%
- HSE index (include scope of papers which demand our HSE department) - 3 %
Regretfully, our security department not satisfied of this method. They would like to change the evaluation way and reduce the scope of indexes. We have disagreement every time.
Typically, how the tender evaluation conducted in your country/region?
Thanks in advance.
14 Answer(s)
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Yevhenii Khivrenko
Drilling Engineer
Discussions: 7
Replies: 6
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