
Running VSP offshore on a tugger

08 March 2022

Dear members

At a recent virtual-DWOP (our 71st online event; attended by 101 participants), one of the break-out groups was discussing the open-hole logging programme.

The well is being drilled by a single-derrick, moored semi-sub, with conventional (non-acoustic) BOP controls.

The topic of suspending the air-guns for the VSP led to healthy discussions.

Conventionally, this is done using the rig crane.  However, the question was raised about reducing dependency on the crane (wind-speed; helicopter operations; boat work etc).

It was suggested that the air-guns be run using a tugger, possibly in the moon-pool. This “raised a few eyebrows”, but led to a very interesting discussion.

Potential issues raised were

  1. Entanglement with the BOP control lines etc
  2. Damage to seals on any water-tight hatches on the hull
  3. Running the cables and high-pressure air-lines through working areas

But, before simply rejecting this ("that's not the way we do things around here"), the team is keen to hear what others think and, more importantly, has anyone actually done this and, if so, what were the learnings?

Whilst you're at it, please may you look at the two most-recent threads (Alternative Barrier Elements; Decommissioning & Abandonment)

Many thanks



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