Maximum RPM/WOB for UR -XR-800-8.5''x10-1/4''
06 August 2023What is the maximum WOB that in your experience you have put with the UR BHA in 8-½'' section.
We are planning to UR salt in the upcoming well and as part of the planning phase structural strength of BHA is identified for maximum WOB planning, along with RPM envelop.
Our vendor has turned up with 13Klb maximum WOB at UR. For us this is low. Unfortunately we do not have downhole Realtime WOB sensor at bit that can transmit t Bit WOB.
The limit is anyways sort of a limiter for us, anyone else has managed to have drilling with higher WOB with such tool or family of tools.
I know vibration and hole cleaning might not allow us this WOB at reamer (20% of the bit WOB) but in case we need to go higher, I don't want to be limited by a tool like this.
13 Answer(s)
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Usama Sabir
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