Mathcad Drilling / well engineering worksheets on line courses?

06 October 2024

I am investigating participants interest regarding developing on line courses using mathcad worksheets.  

For anyone wishing to have a faster better method and well proven way to crack through all fundamental drilling  and well engineering calculations. ( ie as I have been doing for decades)?

As a pilot test, the first course will present a series of fundamental daily drilling calculations via cool 😎  easy to use mathcad worksheets. 

Who is interested in participating in the pilot test course. Please get in touch. 

note. Mathcad express is in fact free to download from where you  get a 30day license of full functionality. 
1st on- line course will be SPREAD over this same period. Thereafter you will have a lifetime express license that even with restricted options, you will be able to run majority of drilling and well calcs worksheets that will be provided with each course. 

Better still that you can customize to suit all your specific drilling / well engineering project needs & requirements.

If a viable success, 

Other similar drilling / well engineering calcs courses will be developed in other areas. E.g. 

  • Hydraulics / hole cleaning
  • Torque and drag.
  • drill string and  BHA  design
  • MSE
  • pressure management for drillers
  • geomechanicsbfor drillers
  • well control (basic to  advanced)
  • cementing
  • Drilling fluids
  • HPHT drilling
  • Deepwater
  • high angle ERD. 
    And more.

Excited to get on board? using mathcad (that is like excel on steroids for all drilling persons needing to do project calcs.) 

Get in touch  




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