How this site is paid for : excellent performance support from rp-squared
23 May 2010 Hi folks,Despite the temptation to do so, we do not charge for this site. It is subsidised (to the tune of $20,000) by the profits made by the parent company, Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd ..
However, I hope that you will allow me to make the occasional sales pitch ..
OUR MISSION : "To work with you to drive out waste, maximise value and minimise the learning curve whilst preserving your core values. We do this by bringing out the potential in your teams."
In addition to the full-on support (performance systems, performance coaches/advisors on the wellite and/or in the office, we do a variety of items that the attached testimonials confirm are potentially the best in the world.
1. "Going for Gold" programme - Maersk Oil UK report a well drilled and completed in just over half the planned time: see attached testimonial from Derek Charlton. This is intermittent work, spread over a few weeks/months.
2. Cultural change (behaviours): these are sustainable, with BG reporting it "alive and kicking" 6 years after we introduced it !! : see attached testimonial from BG.
3. Kick start up / "First Steps" programme with the option to do Client team alignnment sessions : See testimonial from ENI Brazil.
4. Risk Assessments, DWOPs, CWOPs (incl. HPHT and Deepwater) .. see testimonial from Hess Libya.
3. Gap Analysis on your performance systems - review vs. our knowledge of best in class systems.
4. Develop enhanced planning & learning sytems.
Please can you review these exciting benefits and get back to me (either by email or 'phone) with an opportunity to call you to discuss.
Kind regards
Dave Taylor
email :
Tel : +44 7748 678 176
Documents uploaded by user:
Peter Greaves_BG_Sustainability_May10.pdf
Derek Charlton at MONS_May10.jpg
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Dave Taylor - SPREAD Moderator
Managing Director (
Relentless Pursuit Of Perfection Ltd.
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