
Alternatives to conventional CTLF esp. if it needs lifting over a wind-wall

18 December 2011 Hi folks,
At a recent Deepwater DWOP, we started discussing the use of a Coiled-Tubing-Lift-Frame (CTLF) for a potential well-test.
The CTLF would be rigged up as a precaution (with the Surface Test Tree etc., inside) in the event that a hydrate might form during the welltest. If that happened, then Coiled Tubing (CT) would then be R/U and run to top of hydrate to disperse it using hot water (I can't remember if we also mentioned pumping methanol - I think not).
The challenge is that this is a 6th Generation offshore rig (Ram Rig) and the only way to get the CTLF to the well centre is lifting it over the wind-wall - no mean feat. The attached photo shows this being done on a a similar rig. Note that the wind-wall is at monkey-board level.
Apart from the obvious hazards at this stage, any un-noticed impact damage could set us up for a dropped object later on (look at the folding platform).
My question is : 1. What alternatives are there to CTLF ? (in the olden days before CTLF we used to use really long bails; I know that CTLF have tuggers and platforms). 2. Are there smaller, modular CTLF ? 3. What alternatives to running CT ?
I´d appreciate the enthusiasts amongst us rising to the challenge and getting us off to a flying start.
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