
MS700 stuck wearbushing

27 June 2014

Hi All, we are conducting a subsea well suspension and are having some difficulty recovering the 10¾" wearbushing. We have been up to some significant overpulls with the GE wearbushing recovery tool (up to 400 k lbf...!). We are now looking to mobilise a spear and surface jar set-up but looking to the wider community for any anecdotal situations with trouble recovering MS700 wearbushings that were resolved, and how.

We'll be unlatching the BOP for a visual just to check that there is no obvious damage, but the running tool engages and disengages without issue.

Suspected formation fines jammed above the wearbushing D-ring as there is no junk/trash seal on this design of bushing.

± 600ft drill floor to mudline

Any thoughts appreciated.


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