Erratic toolface due to heave compensation in top hole
17 March 2015We used a BHA with a 9.62m560XP Motor with a 1.83 Deg Bend.
Flow rate (lpm) | 1500-3400 |
SPP (psi) | 500-1350 |
Surface RPM | 0- 25 |
WOB (mT) | 2 - 3 |
Torque (kN.m) | 0-4 |
We jetted 36" CP and started drilling 26" hole section with 1°/10m BUR in unconsolidated sands. We experienced erratic toolface which resulted from erratic torque and WOB. Several attempts with different parameters were unsuccessful. We had a variation of ± 25 kips WOb. We pulled out and decided to switch to 17"" BHA that had proved successful on previous wells.
We pulled out and ran 17"" motor BHA with 1.5° bent and managed to drill to TD. The fluctutaion was ±10 kips. Then we enlarged the hole with 26" underreamer
We believe the AHC compensator is not operating correcting for small WOB
Has anyone ever experienced this problem and how was it mitigated?
On the next 26" phase we are planning to run a bumper sub. Any thoughts?
10 Answer(s)
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Mase Yan
drilling engineer
Discussions: 5
Replies: 2
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