
Adding a Secondary Email to your SPREAD profile

26 March 2015 Hi folks

With a lot of movement going on within the industry, we have been asked if we can set things up so that members can receive SPREAD alerts at two accounts; work and private.

Whilst we prefer that all members use a 'work' email (it allows us to validate who you are, and also validate who you work for), we understand the reasons.

So, we have set up this feature, whilst still hoping that you remember to update your profile when you change companies or retire (Retirees and 'individual consultants can always lost themselves as 'SPREAD Associates'). Otherwise you will be listed at the wrong organisation.

Please see attached for how to add a secondary email address, which you can do by selecting 'My Profile' from the drop down list under 'mySPREAD' at the top of the home page.

We hope this helps

Kind regards

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