Kick tolerance evidence.
06 August 2023Well integrity definition.
‘The evident application of technical (i.e., (physical (parts)), people, and paperwork, operational, and organizational solutions), to reduce the hazards and associated risks of an uncontrolled release of formation and/or well fluids. Throughout the life cycle of a well’.Source. ‘Kingdom drilling services, August 6th 2023.”
4 statements to discuss amongst SPREAD forums views, Ktol knowledge, experiences?
- Kick tolerance calculations should not be applied to weak zones in the hole section unless the risk of an underground blowout into the weak zone could compromise the well barrier integrity.
- The industry standard (where is this defined?) measure of well barrier integrity at the casing shoe is that the kick tolerance volume should be greater than 25bbls for a gas influx in a single bubble (worst case).ance definition
- For conventional drilling operations The, planned mud weight in kick tolerance calculations should provide a minimum 200psi overbalance over the formation pressures in the planned section..
- Temperatures are not recommended within standard KT calculations as it is the circulating temperatures during the well kill operation that would be required, and these are generally not known when performing kick tolerance calculations.
Ref. Kick Tolerance definitions
- Defined within well casing design ‘limited kick tolerance’ purposes as: ‘The maximum volume of gas kick influx that can be safely taken into the well bore and circulated out of the well without breaking down the cement/formation at the casing shoe or a lower know weak point.
- Defined within well integrity design, planning and safe operational use as: ‘The maximum volume of gas kick influx that can be safely taken into the well bore and circulated out of the well without breaking down formation at the wells weak point (@ or a known vertical distance below the casing shoe.
Kick Tolerance therefore defines the well integrity, barrier, and safe operating measurement limits used in well during planning, casing design to plan the optimal setting depths of casing shoes etc. Then in the field during drilling used to daily ascertain in critical sections when drilling conventional wellbore is safe to continue or not when limits are reached.
Note: The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, in the Norsok ‘Well Integrity in drilling and well operations’, i.e., Standard, D-010 Rev 4 June 2013, in section 3.1.25 defines Kick tolerance as follows:
“Kick Tolerance – maximum influx volume that can be circulated out of well without breaking down the weakest zone in the well.”
7 Answer(s)
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Peter Aird
Drilling Specialist/Well Engineer/Training Consultant
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